Fund for Faculty Publications Review Committee
The Faculty Publication Fund Review Committee is responsible for reviewing applications and making funding recommendations for the Fund for Faculty Publications. The Vice President for Research makes the final funding decisions. The committee consists of at least one representative from each college and the University Libraries, and is supported by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs staff.
Review Committee Members
Chia-Lin Tsai
Responsibilities of Committee Chair
- Compiles voting recommendations from committee members for each application
- Forwards recommendations and application packet to AVPR or designee
- Notifies AVPR or designee and committee when funds have been expended for the fiscal year
- Receives confirmation from AVPR or designee of funded applications
- Submits annual report to AVPR or designee
Responsibilities of Program Administrator
- Posts application packet to online committee space and notifies the committee to review the packet·and vote
- Maintains information about each applicant (faculty rank, department or school, college affiliation, amount of award)
- Maintains record of applications, their disposition, and remaining funds
- Keeps the committee chair and members aware of budget balance through the year
- Sends award letters
- Schedules committee meetings with input from the committee chair and takes meeting minutes.
Review Procedures
Application packets are received electronically by Nancy Schindele in the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, who reviews the application packets to determine that they are complete and meet eligibility requirements. Incomplete application packets are returned to the applicant. Complete application packets are posted on the committee’s Sharepoint committee site. Committee members have two weeks from the date received to review the packet, fill out the application review rubrics, and submit their recommendation to the chair. The recommendation will either be “for funding” or “against funding” with reason(s). A minimum of three recommendations must be received by the chair before forwarding to the AVPR. Nancy will determine whether the applicant is delinquent in submitting final reports for internal University programs, which will disqualify the application.
Schedule for Review of Applications
There are three deadlines during each year (July 31, January 31, and April 30).